How to lose fat with surgery

Weight loss surgery is done to reduce obesity. We reduce our obesity with weight loss surgery, bariatric surgery can reduce weight up to 60 kg within a month. After surgery, our body may have trouble digesting food for a few days. For one year after the surgery, doctors keep special instructions regarding food and drink. We should follow their instructions, if we do not do it, then it can harm us. That's why we should eat low-fat diet after surgery. Always take high protein and low fat diet. Apart from this, do exercise daily. If women undergo weight loss surgery, then those women should plan to become a mother only after 2 years of surgery, otherwise frequent weight changes can have a bad effect on the child. Let us tell you what to eat after weight loss surgery.

Weight loss can be done by weight loss surgery, but if irregularities in eating habits are adopted, then weight can also increase. Therefore, special attention should be paid to diet after surgery. For four weeks after weight loss surgery, doctors recommend eating easily digestible foods that we should follow.


Fresh fruits should be eaten after weight loss surgery. By eating fresh fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, the body gets essential nutrients. Fruits contain ample amount of vitamins and minerals. Which are beneficial for our body.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato should be boiled and eaten after weight loss surgery. It gets digested very easily. It can be eaten very easily. We should also consume sweet potato more and more after our surgery. 


After surgery, potatoes should be boiled and eaten. Boiling the potato removes the fat present in it. Potatoes are easily digested. 

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Carrots are considered a nutritious food. It can be eaten raw and cooked as well. Carrots provide essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals to the body. One carrot can meet the requirement of vitamin A for the whole day. Drinking its juice relieves stress and fatigue. We can also consume it by making carrot juice. 


Zucchini is a green vegetable and it also contains sufficient amount of water. It is easily digested. Zucchini should be boiled in water and eaten.


Turnip is very tasty to eat. It is grown underground. Its small pieces should be cut and boiled and eaten. Which is very beneficial.


The same

Green beans should be boiled and eaten. It does not contain fat. These low calorie foods should be eaten after weight loss surgery.


There are many benefits of eating beetroot. Eating beetroot increases blood circulation in the body, which strengthens the heart. Beetroot does not contain fat.


Only peas or peas can be eaten mixed with other food ingredients. By eating boiled peas, the body gets enough minerals and vitamins.


After surgery, we should drink maximum amount of water. Drinking water will not cause dehydration. And it also proves beneficial in reducing weight.


Do not eat fatty foods

After weight loss surgery, one should avoid eating high-fat and high-calorie foods. Therefore, eat low-fat foods like moong dal, oat flour, soybean etc. Avoid eating more greasy food such as fish, junk food, bread and meat. Apart from this, too much fried food should not be eaten. 

After weight loss surgery, one should eat according to the diet plan made by the doctor. The food should be eaten by chewing it comfortably. Weight loss surgery is done to reduce obesity and due to carelessness in diet, obesity can increase again. Therefore, we should eat our food according to the doctor told.

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