Benefits of eating Guava

The guava tree is commonly grown in all the states of India. Allahabad Guava of Uttar Pradesh is world-famous. It is especially delicious. The height of its tree is 10 to 20 feet. The twigs are thin and weak. Its stem part is covered with smooth, brownish, thin white bark. The wood under the bark is smooth. Its leaves are light green in color, rough, 3 to 4 inches long, oblong, fragrant and stalks are small.


Guavas are red and yellowish-green in color. Seedless and seedless and extremely sweet and sour-sweet types of guava are commonly seen. Red guava is more beneficial than white. Guavas with white flesh are sweeter. The fruit weight usually ranges from 30 to 450 grams. 

It is generally seen that when people go to buy fruits, in their eyes only fruits like banana, apple, grapes, and mango are seen full of nutrients. A cheap and accessible fruit like guava seems to them to be useless and edible for the poor, but in reality, it is not so. Guava contains more nutrients than apples. That is why it is also called 'poor's apple'. Guava is a sweet and laxative (cleansing stomach by bringing diarrhea) fruit and its regular use removes the blockage of stool. Along with this, Vata-pitta, mania (madness), unconsciousness (unconsciousness), epilepsy, stomach worms, typhoid, and burning sensation, etc. are destroyed. In Ayurveda, it has been described as cold, sharp, astringent, acidic, and succulent. Here is a comparison of the nutrients found in apples and guavas, so that you can get an idea of ​​how much more nutritious guava is.

A quality :

Guava is rich in Vitamin C and sugar.  It is very useful to eat guava with its seeds, due to which the stomach remains clean. Guava is used to make chutneys, jellies, marmalade, and cheese from the fruit.

Harmful Effects:

Guava is harmful to those with cold nature and those who have a weak stomach. In the rainy season, tiny thread-like white insects are born inside the guava.

The person who eats it can have disorders like stomach pain, malaise, cholera. Its seeds are not easily digested due to hardness and if they go into the appendix, they can cause appendicitis disease. Therefore, the consumption of their seeds should be avoided. It has two varieties:- The first is a white wombat and the second is the red-pink wombat. The white variety is sweeter. Kalmi guava also contains good quality guava. They are very large and hardly produce 4-5 seeds. This type of guava is found in Banaras (Uttar Pradesh).

 top 10 tips to gain weight naturally

Guava treatment in various diseases

For the increase of vigor (strength) and semen

Abdominal pain


dry cough


half a headache



for the eyes




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