The fire of our body works to digest the food eaten, if this fire slows down due to any reason, then the food isn't digested properly, due to not digesting the food properly, many diseases arise in the body. due to irregular eating, the air, bile, and phlegm get contaminated, thanks to which appetite stops, and complaints of indigestion, dyspepsia, air disorders, and bile, etc., the appetite stops, the body starts breaking down, The taste worsens, heaviness starts to be felt within the stomach, due to stomach upset, the mind starts being bad, or understand that the complete system of the body gets spoiled, for this one should avoid mandagni and These medicines should be utilized in case of pain.
1. If there's no appetite, taking half a cup of puffed honey during a cup of lukewarm water two or 3 times releases the appetite.
2. Licking black salt eliminates gas and increases appetite,
this salt also cleans the stomach.
3. Taking the powder of myrobalan with dry ginger and jaggery or
with rock salt is beneficial to cure heartburn.
4. Make a powder by grinding a mix of rock salt, asafoetida, carom seeds and triphala, take old jaggery up to this powder and blend it inside all the powder, and make small tablets, start taking one or two tablets with water daily. Yes, these pills are taken after eating food, it'll digest food and increase appetite.
6. Taking Herd with neem leaves increases appetite, and also destroys the skin diseases of the body.
7. Make a powder of herd jaggery and dry ginger and take it
daily with a touch of whey, it releases the appetite.
8. Taking buttermilk on a day-to-day ends melancholy.
9. Licking powder of dry ginger mixed with ghee and drinking
many predicaments, one feels very hungry.
10. you can take the help of yogasana to strengthen digestion
and increase appetite. you can practice Surya Namaskar, Kapalbhati Pranayama, Paschimottan and Pawanmuktasan, etc. daily. to try to do these yoga exercises, definitely
take the help of a teacher.
11. While eating, the main target should get on the food
itself. Especially, children start listening to TV or other things while eating,
thanks to which they're unable to eat properly.
12. Eat meals on time. Failure to eat food on time can cause
loss of appetite. Make breakfast a touch heavy in the morning, lunch should be
but breakfast and dinner should be light.
13. stand back from junk foods and include green vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. you'll start the day with a fruit crush. Eat fiber-rich food items, like bananas etc.
14. Eating peeled ginger with rock salt every day before meals increase appetite.
15. Grind red chili in lemon juice for forty days and make
two ratti tablets, eating one tablet daily increases appetite.
16. Roti should be made by mixing rock salt and carom seeds in
wheat bran, it increases appetite greatly.
17. Moth dal is that the destroyer of malaise and fever.
18. Drink water after pouring one and a half grams of sambhar
salt every morning, the name of the candle will disappear.
20. take out the pulp of two dates and cook it in 300 grams of
milk, drink the milk after the leaves of the dates begin , it also digests food,
and also feels hungry.
21. Take cumin, dry ginger, small peepal and black pepper in
equal parts, mix some asafetida in it, then grind these very finely and make
powder, mix one spoon a part of this powder in buttermilk and start drinking
daily, by taking it for 2 weeks. It Will help in any quite constipation.
22. Drinking juice of a mixture of beetroot, carrot, tomato, cabbage, spinach, and other green vegetables and legumes, half an hour before the meal, increases appetite.
23. Consumption of apples also increases appetite and therefore the blood is also clean.
24. Grind forty grams of carom seeds, ten grams of halite, and
keep them during a clean bottle, throw two grams of powder in it daily within
the morning, and drink water from above, it'll increase appetite and diseases
associated with vata also will end.
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25. Soak a loaf of fennel in water, then cook it by mixing
fourfold the candy, licking this syrup increases appetite.
26. Make a decoction of ripe sweet tamarind leaves, halite or
black salt, black pepper, and asafetida, it cures malaise.
28. Licking one gram powder of nutmeg with honey, strengthens
the gastritis and cures indigestion.
29. Fennel, dry ginger, and candy should be taken daily with
water by taking equal parts, it strengthens the digestive power.
30. Taking the powder of Jawakhar and dry ginger with hot water removes melancholy.
31. Taking litchi before meals increase digestion power and appetite.
32. Pomegranate is additionally an appetizer, consuming it increases appetite.
33. Drinking lemon juice mixed with water daily increases appetite.
34. Drinking half a glass of fruit juice before meals
increases appetite.
35. Eating the kernels of watermelon seeds increases appetite.
36. Beel's fruit or juice is also an appetite booster.
37. Eating tamarind leaf chutney increases appetite, and food
is also digested.
38. Mix vinegar, dry ginger, black salt, roasted icing and
puffed asafetida in the mixture, appetite increases after eating daily.
39. Dry mint, big cardamom, dry ginger, fennel, rose flowers, coriander,
white cumin, pomegranate, plum, and myrtle, make a powder by taking equal
quantity, the burning will certainly get away.
40. Dissolve one gram red chili in ginger and lemon juice, then
make tablets equal to black pepper, sucking this pill increases appetite.
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The problem of loss of appetite during a busy lifestyle can happen to anyone, but it shouldn't be ignored. the house remedies mentioned in the article are often wont to increase appetite. of these remedies are natural and effective. Also, confine in mind that if anyone notices symptoms like nausea, allergies, or vomiting during the utilization of those remedies, then stop using them immediately. At an equivalent time, if the house remedy isn't giving any positive effect, then contact the concerned doctor.