Some easy ways to get rid of obesity

Due to obesity

1. Eating more caloric food than the body's requirement. Obesity is the main cause.

2. Decreased rate of metabolism.

3. Obesity also increases due to disorders of the thyroid or pituitary.

4. Working long hours sitting causes obesity.

5. Obesity increases even when there's an imbalance of hormones in our bodies.

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Exercise may be a very important way to reduce fat. Exercise should be done daily in the morning. Aerobic exercises are beneficial. A lazy lifestyle results in obesity. Therefore, activism is extremely important. The more quickly you work, the more beneficial it'll be for your body.

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 Honey may be a very important substance for the prevention of obesity. Taking one spoon honey, half spoon juice mixed with hot water destroys excess body fat. We must consume it a minimum of 3 times every day.

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Cabbage (Cabbage) has elements of reducing fat. thanks to this the metabolism of the body becomes strong. As a result, more calories are burnt. Which is sweet for our body. during this process, fat gets eliminated and helps in preventing obesity.

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Anti-obesity elements are found in mint. By taking one teaspoon of mint juice mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey, obesity is often reduced.

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After awakening in the morning, drinking 250 grams of juice for 2-3 months reduces body fat. When body fat is reduced, obesity starts decreasing automatically. we should always consume tomatoes daily on an empty stomach.

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Carrot juice is helpful in reducing obesity. About 300 grams of juice is often taken at any time of the day. And it is often more beneficial if we take it in the morning.

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A study has concluded that water therapy has proved effective in solving the problem of obesity. After waking up in the morning, drink 2 glasses of water every hour. during this way, drink a minimum of 20 glasses of water throughout the day. and therefore the body fat is going to be reduced. If you drink 3 glasses of water per hour rather than 2 glasses, then obesity is going to be cured even faster. The more water we consume during the day, the earlier the obesity will reduce. That's why we should always drink more and more water during the day.

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Use low-calorie foods. As long as you are doing not making a habit of low-calorie food, then obesity won't reduce. Let me tell you about some calorie-rich foods, by which you'll reduce obesity.

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Include more of those substances in your diet

 Lemon Jamfal (Guava) Grapes Applesweet Melon Jamun Papaya Mango Orange Pineapple Tomato Watermelon Berry Strawberry

Vegetables that have negligible calories

Cabbage Cauliflower Broccoli Onion Radish Spinach Turnip Fennel Garlic.


Important Diet

1. Use less salt, less sugar.

2. Avoid foods high in fat. Fat increases by using fried things. Vegetable ghee is harmful.

3. Dry fruits (almonds, kharak, pistachios), linseed seeds, vegetable oil contain high levels of fat. Their balanced use is useful.

4. don't consume alcohol.

5. Cut ginger finely with a knife, cut slices of 1 lemon and boil both in water. Drink it hot, it also reduces obesity.

6. Use fruits and vegetables the maximum amount as possible daily. Avoid high carbohydrate items.           Sugar, potatoes, and rice contain more carbohydrates. They increase fat. we should always stand back from these.

7. Wheat soybean, gram mixed flour roti is more beneficial than flour bread.

8. choose a walk for half an hour in the morning at a brisk pace. Best thanks to lose weight. Keep practicing to steer as fast as you'll.

9. Include high fiber foods in the diet. Green vegetables and fruits contain more fiber. Eat fruits with their peels. don't remove the depart the potato. The peel contains many nutrients.

10. don't keep food items in such an area, where your eyes are often seen. Otherwise, you'll be eating on the go. If these foods are out of sight, then you'll consider eating them only the body feels the necessity 

11. As soon as you awaken in the morning, start drinking a glass of milk (cow's). This protein dose will prevent you from craving an important snack.

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12. To scale back the dimensions of the stomach and waist, after getting up in the morning or before getting to sleep in the dark, the abdominal part above the navel should be baked with 'Baffara's steam'. For this, put a couple of carom seeds and a spoonful of salt in the water and keep it boiling. When steam starts rising, place a mesh or flour sieve over it. Wet two small napkins or cloths in cold water and squeeze them and fold them one by one, keep them on the internet and keep them on the stomach and bake them. it's enough to bake 10 minutes every day. during a few days, the size of the stomach will start decreasing.

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