How to remove cataracts by home remedies

If you can't see far or near, have trouble driving, or can't read another person's facial expressions, you may develop cataracts in your eye.

In India, 90 lakh to 12 million people are blind in both eyes, with 20 lakh new cases of cataracts being reported every year. A cataract is the cause of 62.6 percent of blindness in our country.

But state-of-the-art technologies have made cataract operation very easy and effective. According to the recently obtained data of the World Health Organisation, there has been a 25 percent reduction in blindness due to cataracts in India since 2003. The reason for this is the awareness among people about cataract surgery.

Let's know about some such cataracts

1. Secondary cataract

Cataracts can also occur after surgery for an eye problem such as glaucoma, etc. Apart from this, cataracts can also be caused by other types of diseases in our body, such as diabetes or sometimes people who use steroids.

2. Traumatic cataract

Cataracts can also be caused by an injury to our eyes. These problems can lead to cataracts even after many years of injury to our eyes.

3. Congenital cataract

Some children develop cataracts from birth, or cataracts may develop in childhood. This cataract is so small that it does not affect the vision of the eye, but if it happens, even the lens of the eye may need to be replaced.

4. Radiation cataract

Some cataracts are also such that they can occur even after coming in contact with any type of radiation.


The lens inside our eyes acts like a camera. This is what focuses the light on the retina of our eyes so that we can see everything clearly. The lens is made up of water and protein. The protein is attached to the lens in such a way that it keeps the lens clean and allows light to pass through.

As we age, sometimes some proteins get accumulated in one place and get deposited on a part of the lens of our eyes. In such a situation, cataract occurs due to the formation of excessive protein in the lens of the eye, which makes the lens of our eyes blurred. It does not allow the light to completely pass out through the lens so that we cannot see clearly with our eyes. In this case, all the new lens cells are deposited on the outside of the lens while all the old lens cells collect in the center of the lens, which is called cataracts or cataracts.

1. Having any other kind of disease in the eyes, such as glaucoma, etc.

2. Congenital glaucoma

3. Having diabetes

4. Taking steroids for anybody condition, such as asthma

5. Sudden exposure to bright light or continuous exposure to bright light can also cause cataract

6. Smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol etc.

Symptoms  easyhealthtricks

1. The deposition of a white layer on the lens of our eyes

2. Seeing two things with one eye

3. Sometimes even the slightest light seems too bright

4. Light in the color of any object

5. Any object being blurry

6. Frequently changing the number of glasses

 7. Having trouble with bright light

 8. Ring-shaped appearance in the night light

 9. Difficulty driving at night

 10. In the evening, the eyesight becomes weaker


Ayurvedic Treatment:

Whenever there is a matter of eyes, we should take this problem very seriously, because if our eyesight is lost once, it cannot be regained. A cataract is also such a serious problem, in which a spot appears on the lens of our eyes. Due to which everything you see appears blurry to you and there you see as a speck. Although this problem can be removed by cataract surgery, cataract treatment is also possible with the help of some home remedies. If you become aware of it in the beginning, then it is possible that you will not have to undergo surgery or operation.

1. Garlic

Garlic has many health benefits and is equally beneficial for the eyes. By eating 2 to 3 cloves of garlic (2 to 3 cloves) daily, our eyes will be able to see clearly and within a few days, the problem of spots will go away. Therefore we should consume garlic at least daily.

2. Spinach

Consumption of spinach also cures cataracts to a great extent. Spinach has beta carotene and antioxidant properties. By consuming spinach daily, the cataract of the eyes ends in a few days and our eyes become the same as before.

3. Milk and Almond

For people who have cataracts, their eyes are mostly red and it is even more difficult to deal with this problem. In such a situation, if we consume milk and almonds, then they give benefits to our eyes. For treatment, soak almonds in milk overnight and leave it. Filter this milk in the morning and put its drops in the eyes and eat after chewing almonds.

4. Green Tea

Green tea can also improve eyesight. Green tea is also beneficial in common eye problems. Drinking green tea three to four times daily will provide health benefits to the eyes. Antioxidants present in green tea provide new freshness to the eyes.

5. Raw Papaya

An enzyme called papain is found in unripe papaya, which proves helpful in the digestion of proteins. People who are suffering from cataracts have difficulty in digesting proteins, in such a situation, raw papaya benefits people suffering from cataracts. By using raw papaya daily, the lenses of our eyes start shining like new.

6. Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a very important role in the treatment of cataracts. The formation of cataracts can be prevented by the intake of vitamin C. We should include such foods in our diet, which are rich in Vitamin C. Apart from this, we can also use Vitamin C as a supplement.

7. Raw Vegetables

Raw vegetables can work wonders for the eyes. Raw vegetables contain nutrients and high amounts of Vitamin A which is essential for the health of our eyes. By using raw vegetables in our daily diet, we can deal with cataracts as well as other common eye problems. Eat raw vegetables as much as possible in the form of salads. We should consume raw vegetables as much as possible.

8. Bilberries

Consuming Jamun does not completely remove cataracts, but blurred vision or blurriness can be corrected by eating Jamun. Jamun is rich in anthocyanosides and flavonoids that protect the retina and the lens of the eye. That is why we must also consume berries.


1. Protect yourself from sunlight or strong light, wear eyeglasses and head cap

2. Do not take any kind of intoxicant

3. Eat nutritious food

4. Get your eyes checked from time to time

5. Stay away from stress or tension

6. Keep Diabetes Under Control



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